Specialist Physiotherapy, Pelvic Health and Acupuncture Clinic, Hitchin
07951 490214 | bally@liddertherapies.co.uk |
Are you experiencing mood swings, hot flushes, memory loss, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue or altered menstrual cycles?
Or are you wondering about how the perimenopause and menopause may affect you?
Then these workshop's may benefit you.
We have 2 options, Live in person or Live online.
The menopause is normal, something all women will go through. It is the end of your menstrual cycle and occurs when the ovaries stop releasing eggs.
Meno = Menstrual
Pause = stop
The average age of menopause is 51.
Did you know? Menopause is officially 1 day, the day you have not had a period for a year.
After this we are post-menopausal.
Symptoms commonly can start from the mid 40’s, but could be earlier, and is similar to what teenagers go through, but in reverse. Symptoms can include:
Women are important!
At this age we are often the ‘sandwich’ generation between elderly parents and teenagers, with all the challenges and stress this may bring. We are living longer, and we could be going through the menopause at the peak of our career, or maybe just starting out on a new one. Menopausal symptoms should not be the one thing that slows us down.
At this workshop we will discuss the effects of declining hormones, especially oestrogen, on your body.
This will include:
Bone and muscle health
Heart health
Urogenital health
Mental and emotional health
We will discuss the treatment options including:
Lifestyle changes
Diet and fluid advice
Exercise for bone health, heart health, mental health
Alternative medicines including acupuncture, mindfulness
After the workshop you will receive a PDF recipe book with easy to make, delicious recipes aimed at supporting perimenopause / menopause.
Workshop Tutors
Bally is a physiotherapist specialising in Female Pelvic health. She has extensive experience in the treatment of common pelvic health complaints including leakage, prolapse, sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain.
Bally has her own private practice in Hitchin and Hertford.
Caroline is a Registered Nutritionist, passionate foodie and mum of two. She spent five seasons working in Premier League football and is a regular nutrition spokesperson in the media. Caroline believes the foods we eat can have a profound effect on our overall health and performance. She runs her own clinic where she supports clients with a range of goals including perimenopause and menopause.
Find out more about Caroline here.
Anna is a pharmacist with 19 years’ experience working in a wide range of specialities for the NHS and independent sector. Two years ago, she qualified as a Body Control Pilates matwork Instructor and now combines teaching Pilates with working part-time as a Senior Clinical Pharmacist at the local private hospital. Find out more about Anna here.